Searchable select

Component name: <v-searchable-select>


String options

Object options

Grouped options

Async options based on search query



Name Type Description Default
options Array The options available for selection. Can be an array of strings or objects. -
value Object|String The value of the selected option. -
placeholder String Placeholder text shown when input field is empty. -
description String Helper text -
error String Error message -
invalid Boolean Wether or not the field is invalid. Shows error message if invalid. false
option-id String When options is an array of objects, option-id names the object property used to identify individual options. The property must thus be unique across all options. -
label String When options is an array of objects, label names the object property used to display the option. -
group-values String When options contains groups of options, group-values names the object property holding the options of a group. -
group-label String When options contains groups of options, group-label names the object property used to display the group label. -
url String Set this property to load options asynchronously based on the user's search query. The supplied url must contain a {query} placeholder. -
small Boolean Wether or not the field is smaller. false
gray Boolean Wether or not the field has a gray background. false