# Local alerts

Component name: <v-alert-local>

# Dismissible local alert styles

By adding the dismissible property, alerts can be dismissed. By adding dismissible-id an alert can be permanently dismissed and will not show up again unless you delete dismissedAlerts from the browsers local storage or if you add an expiration time :expiration-days="120" (120 days).

# Special icon styles

# Info alert with custom icon

Custom icon may not be working for the moment.

# Button colors in local-alert cta-slot


Name Type Description Default
info Boolean Use 'info' styling & icon (fallback) true
warning Boolean Use 'warning' styling & icon false
success Boolean Use 'success' styling & icon false
error Boolean Use 'error' styling & icon false
dismissible Boolean Whether the alerts should be dismissible
(close icon)
dismissible-id String Unique identifier for adding state to local storage.
Requires dismissible
:expiration-days Number Add expiration time before showing again to local storage.
Requires dismissible-id
:cta-expiration-days Number Expiration time intended for a custom cta button placed in
<template v-slot:cta="{ dismiss }">.
Also requires dismissible-id
icon String Add a custom icon to the alert -
mobilepay Boolean Use 'mobilepay' custom styling & icon false
The Boolean's can be written as Boolean attribute's, which means that the presence of the attribute represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the false value. Which means that the following two examples are equivalent: <v-alert-local dismissible> and <v-alert-local :dismissible="true">.


<template v-slot:cta="{ dismiss }"> must be a direct child of <v-alert-local> and must therefore not be wrapped in a <div> or similar.

General notice

All other properties that are not defined above, will be passed to the component as html attributes. This is especially useful for adding the class attribute.