# Hero-Custom

Component name: <v-hero-custom>

Se også compositions med config → guide/compositions/hero-custom/

# Example

Stort set alt konfigureres via properties i state.heroConfig objektet. Video embed kode samt action på knapperne skal defineres i tilhørende template slot. Se under tabben Code samt i API table nedenfor.

# API / customization

Name Type Description Default
:fullscreenMobile Boolean Full viewport on mobile (minus header height) false
:fullHeightDesktop Boolean Full viewport-height on desktop (minus header height) false
:fullWidthDesktop Boolean Full viewport-width on desktop (overrules the default max-width style) false
:textShadow Boolean add text-shadow style to text if bg-image has complex colors false
minHeightDesktop String Fixed min-height for desktop e.g. "500"
(fullHeightDesktop will overrule this setting)
image Boolean Show background-image false
video Boolean Show background-video false
vAlign String Align the content vertically. Available options: top center bottom
(Requires minHeightDesktop or fullscreenMobile or fullHeightDesktop)
titleAlign String Align the title horizontally
available options: left center right
textAlign String Align the text horizontally
available options: left center right
buttonsAlign String Align the buttons horizontally
available options: left center right
bgColor String Background-color: #ff0000 rgb(100,255,50) etc. white
useOverlay Boolean Add overlay between text and background image/video false
overlayColor String Overlay color: #000000 etc. black
overlayAlpha Number Overlay alpha value: 0.7 etc. 0.5
titleColor String Color for the title: #ff0000 rgb(100,255,50) etc. darkgray
textColor String Color for the text: #ff0000 rgb(100,255,50) etc. darkgray
buttonBgColor String Background-color for the first button: #ff0000 rgb(100,255,50) etc. white
buttonColor String Text-color for the first button: #ff0000 rgb(100,255,50) etc. primary
button2BgColor String Background-color for the second button: #ff0000 rgb(100,255,50) etc. white
button2Color String Text-color for the second button: #ff0000 rgb(100,255,50) etc. primary
:transparentButtons Boolean Transparent style for all buttons. false
titleFontSizeMobile String Font-size for the title on mobile e.g. "8" 8
titleFontSizeDesktop String Font-size for the title on desktop e.g. "9" 9
textFontSizeMobile String Font-size for the text on mobile e.g. "5" 5
textFontSizeDesktop String Font-size for the text on desktop e.g. "7" 7
buttonSize String Button size: default small large default
titleText String Title text -
contentText String/v-html Content multiline text -
imgSrc String Background-image mobile e.g. "/assets/image-sm-portrait.webp" null
imgMdSrc String Background-image desktop e.g. "/assets/image-lg-landscape.webp" null
imgAltText String Alt text for (both) background-images: "3f lorem ipsum photo" ""


  • Tomme eller fejludfyldte properties på :imgSrc="" bør ikke udskrives i koden, da det vil resultere i en fejlvisning og console fejl. Brug i stedet imgSrc="" (uden kolon) eller :imgSrc="null".
  • Anbefalede video indstillinger i Cloudflare (opens new window):
    controls: OFF autoplay: on loop: on preload: on muted: on lazy: on
    For at autoplay virker på mobil, skal videoen være muted.

Frontend Notes: Nice to have i config tool

  • Mulighed for at tilføje/fjerne knap 2 via konfiguration på komposition-siden.
  • Gem konfiguration i Firebase eller lign, så den huskes ved genindlæsning og kan deles. Tilføj en "copy url" knap.