# Button

Component name: <v-button>

# Examples

# Primary buttons

# Secondary buttons (deprecated)


# Loading state

# Automatic icons


  • If a url provided as href contains the query parameter SC_LOCKED the item will be styled as locked.
  • If target="_blank" has been provided the item will be styled as an external link.

# Change sizes

# Change underlying element (tag)

# Corner button example


Name Type Description Default
tag String Change the underlying DOM element a
primary Boolean Primary variant true
secondary Boolean Secondary variant (Deprecated) false
link Boolean Link variant false
link-icon Boolean Link variant with icon false
small Boolean Small size false
medium Boolean Medium size true
large Boolean Large size false
inverted Boolean Inverted variant false
loading Boolean Show loading indicator false
go-back Boolean Act as the browser back button. Use href attribute to provide a fallback URL in case there is no browser history. false

General notice

All other properties that are not defined above, will be passed to the component as html attributes. This is especially useful for adding the class attribute.